Welcome to Brown's Hall, Jamaica

Brown's Hall, Jamaica: it's our spiritual and ancestral home. It's where we learned about coffee, community, and how to live a life worth living.

Community Is About Where We've Come From

The heart of Rocksteady Coffee is community, and Brown’s Hall is the heart of our founder’s own community Brown’s Hall is where our founder’s grandparents, Daisy and Dudley Thompson, lived in harmony, raising their family, farming coffee, and growing and milling sugarcane.

...and Where We're Going

Brown’s Hall is a quiet place, but its community is a vibrant one. In addition to producing sugar and coffee for the nation and beyond, its people remain highly active in shaping Jamaica. Portia Simpson Miller, Jamaica's first female Prime Minister, was raised in the community’s embrace.

And as Portia was Daisy Thompson's niece, Daisy lent her guiding hand in helping to raise her.

But Most Importantly, It's About Being Together

It’s true. There’s something rare in the air up in Brown’s Hall. When not in the field or with his family, Dudley Thompson himself would hold political meetings on the veranda of his home, no doubt with rum close at hand for his guests. After all, it was a homecoming of sorts — Dudley’s milled sugar supplied the Monymusk Rum factory.

Both Dudley and Daisy have now passed on, but their memories still hold court on land that continues to be held by our founder's family up in Brown’s Hall.

Our first release is our tribute to family, to communities, and to the unmistakable feeling of building something bigger than ourselves. Join us and raise a glass of Brown's Hall Rocksteady Gold Coffee Liqueur.

Here’s to Daisy and Dudley, and here’s to you.